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PPTExpire is changing name to PPTimelock

the PowerPoint add-in to protect your content

After receiving feedback on the PPTExpire prototype, we have changed the name of this product to PPTimelock because it supports a start date as well as an Expiry date. We’ve also completed the development of the product with many changes incorporated from our customers. Thank you! This page is being kept but will no longer be updated and PPTExpire has, well… expired!

PPTExpire is now PPTimelock

Time-Based Protection

PPTExpire was a compact prototype add-in for PowerPoint 2010 and above that provided a quick and easy way to protect your presentations with an expiry date.

By applying an expiry date to your presentations, anyone without the PPTExpire add-in would be unable to open the presentation.

Those users who installed the PPTExpire add-in will see a new group in the home tab of their ribbon called Expiry. Administrators will see both the Open and Set buttons shown in the screenshot while consumers of your content will only see the Open button.

PPTExpire Ribbon prototype

Setting An Expiry Date

To set an expiry date for an open presentation, an administrator simply clicks the Set button to reveal the settings window.

Once the expiry is set, the presentation is saved and that’s it!

All  you have to do is share the presentation with your audience along with a link to download the free PPTExpire add-in.

When a user tries to open a protected presentation, they will get one of the following responses:

  1. The presentation isn’t protected
  2. The presentation is protected and will expire on the stated date
  3. The presentation has expired (and is therefore not opened)
PPTExpire Protection Settings

See it in action

This video shows a standard unprotected PowerPoint presentation being opened. We then set an expiry time in the future and reopen it. Finally, we set the expiry time to the past to see that the presentation cannot be opened. Tip : Click the gear icon in the bottom right of the YouTube window to watch it at HD 720p.


We’re working hard

The product is currently at prototype stage so if you’d like to register your interest and get informed when it’s ready to buy, ping us a contact form!

Register your interest

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