ActivePrez Download & Change History

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Version 1.20 - 22 June 2016
Build : 22JUN2016 16:28
- Change : added configurable options for Windows clipboard copy/paste timing issue
- Change : modified the function of the Stop button to prevent PowerPoint crashing under certain conditions
- Change : modified the paste operations in the Apply Menu bar module to include automated time-based throttling
Version 1.19 - 14 June 2016
Build : 14JUN2016
- Bug Fix : fixed error caused when loading when checking the auto update date in the registry which is not saved in the expected VBA format
- Change : upgraded digital certificate to SHA256 issued to YOUpresent in accordance with new Microsoft security policy
- Change : added keys to load add-in in PowerPoint 2016 (PC)
- Change : references updated in installer from GMARK to YOUpresent and to
- Change : license activation server moved from to
- Change : update server moved from to
- Change : updated installer to include Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2016 compatibility statements
- Change : add-in location moved from %appdata%\Microsoft\Add-ins\GMARK\ActivePrez to YOUpresent\ActivePrez
Version 1.18 - 13 May 2015
Build : 13MAY2015
- Bug Fix : fixed an issue that could cause the menu bar from being mispositioned on slides that already contained author shapes which are larger than the menu bar.
Version 1.17 - 10 May 2015
Build : 10MAY2015 16:20
- Bug Fix : fixed an issue that caused the misplacement of menu bar items on random slides and/or an error “-2147188160 Shapes (unknown member) : Invalid request. Clipboard is empty or contains data which may not be pasted here.”. Occurred on a few extremely fast PCs when applying the menu bar.
Version 1.16 - 08 May 2015
Build : 08MAY2015 13:46
- Bug Fix : fixed an issue that caused an error “Error – Invalid request. To select a shape its view must be active” when applying the menu bar with animation on specific machines (due to a timing issue).
- Change : added debug info for the rarely occurring instance of menu bar elements being created in the wrong position on one or more slides.
Version 1.15 - 02 March 2015
Build : 02MAR2015 09:30
- Bug Fix : fixed an issue that caused an error “Invalid use of Null” when applying the menu bar on a machine with a non-English local (caused by saving the user preference boolean value of the Use separator shapes between menu items feature in the local language e.g. vrai or faux for French, whereas ActivePrez was expecting true or false).
Version 1.14 - 09 February 2015
Build : 09FEB2015 19:37
- Bug Fix : fixed an issue that caused PowerPoint 2010 to display the error “PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct. You should save presentations, quit, and the restart PowerPoint.” when no sounds were set for the menu bar.
- Bug Fix : fixed a bug that could cause the sound drop down boxes to be populated with multiple “[No Sound]” entries when clicking Browse followed by Cancel.
- Bug Fix : changed the six sound combo boxes to prevent users from typing in them which caused an error.
- New feature : added a button to the Sound Style tab of the ActivePrez Menu Editor to turn all sounds off.
- Change : button images are now clearer in the Tree Builder tab.
- Change : added read-only detection to prevent errors from being generated when trying to add menus to protected presentations.
- Change : Show Menu in Design now doesn’t hide the template slide(s) elements.
Version 1.13 - 03 February 2015
Build : 03FEB2015 15:08
- Bug Fix : fixed a bug that prevented the user from placing the cursor in-between slides in the thumb pane under certain conditions.
- Bug Fix : fixed several bugs with the Slide Preview feature that caused the Slide Preview to be displayed prematurely and prevented it from being removed automatically when existing ActivePrez.
- Bug Fix : fixed two bugs that caused errors to be displayed when presentations are previewed in a Windows Explorer pane by changing the order of events that the add-in processes when it loads:
- Run-time error ‘-2147188160(80048240)’ Application (unknown member) : Invalid request. There is no active presentation.
- Run-time error ‘-2147188160 (80048240)’ Presentation (unknown member) : Invalid request. Automation rights are not granted.
- Change : Added G-Tools and Free Stuff to Other Add-Ins tab.
- Bug Fix : fixed two bugs with the text display element of the Preview Slide feature.
- New Feature : Added an in-window slide preview feature.
- Change : Changed the installer to save files to %AppData%/Microsoft/AddIns/GMARK/ActivePrez and removed the admin requirement to avoid the issue whereby the Installer saves registry changes to the Admin HKCU and not the User HKCU.
Version 1.12 - 03 September 2014
Build : 03SEP2014 17:30
- New Feature : Implemented the Import APD feature that allows users to transfer tree hierarchy data from the obsolete ActivePresentation Designer (APD) into the new ActivePrez format. Supported – Level 1, Level 2, optional conversion of Level 3 to Level 2. Not supported – design attributes, visibility attributes, sound attributes. How to use Import APD.
- Change : added time stamp to error reports.
- Change : updated the installer splash screen.
Version 1.11 - 20 August 2014
Build : 20AUG2014 13:58
- Bug Fix : Corrects an issue that caused an error to occur when the Options button in the ribbon was pressed on a PC which has a non-English locale setup (err 94 : Invalid use of Null).
Version 1.10 - 23 June 2014
Build : 23JUN2014 15:48
- New Feature : A new option in the Visual Style tab of the Menu Editor has been added to allow Level 1 items to be highlighted (or not) across multiple slides within a section of your presentation (or branch of your ActivePrez tree). The screenshot below highlights the location of this new feature labelled Highlight Level 1 items across multiple slides:
- Bug Fix : Corrected an error that was produced when creating new tree from scratch and immediately clicking + to add a new node because nothing is selected in the tree
Version 1.09 - 23 June 2014
Build : 23JUN2014 12:25
- Bug Fix : Corrects numerous macro error messages that appear when ActivePrez runs with either 64 bit PowerPoint 2013 or 64 bit PowerPoint 2010.
Version 1.08 - 20 June 2014
Build : 20JUN2014
- Bug Fix : Corrected numerous errors that are generated when right clicking on an object in the Slide Master (or any non-slide) view
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue whereby inserting a new row in the tree below a row at Level 2 caused the new level to be indented at Level 3 and thereby causing an error when applying the menu to the presentation
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue that set the indent of newly added row to the same level as the last row in the tree, even if the newly added row was being inserted earlier in the tree
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue that prevented indented URL rows from being saved correctly
- New : Added improved clipboard control to address issues with certain machines when applying the menu bar
- Change : Removed beta version message when trying to indent beyond Level 2
- Change : Clearer message displayed when registering incorrect licence credentials
Version 1.07 - 01 May 2014
Build : 01MAY2014 10:07
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue that caused a Subscript out of range error to occur when importing a previously exported tree when one or more parameters were set to null
- Change : replaced all URL references to with (help links and license server)
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue that caused multiple copies of the Level 2 bar and Level 2 items to be created when two or more nodes in the tree link to the same slide
- Change : the label for last link type in the Edit Menu Item window has been changed from “URL” to “Web, file or email” and a clickable help tip appears when selected
Version 1.06 - 27 April 2014
Build : 27APR2014 11:29
- Added erroneous shape clean up in DeleteMenuFromSlides to delete menu element shapes created under error conditions
- Added user preferences to error form
Version 1.05 - 25 April 2014
Build : 25APR2014
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue that caused an empty row to be displayed in the tree builder when no other items exist
- Change : Updated the main help & support URLs
Version 1.04 - 24 April 2014
Build : 24APR2014 21:19
- Bug Fix : Corrected an error generated when toggling the Hide button in the ribbon under certain conditions.
Version 1.03 - 24 April 2014
Build : 24APR2014
- Bug Fix : Corrected an error generated by when a link is added and the main window is then cancelled, causing ActivePrez to incorrectly believe there is one more node in the tree.
- Bug Fix : Corrected an issue whereby the error window always reports error 0.
Version 1.02 - 22 April 2014
Build : 22APR2014 15:38
Size : 3.80 MB (ZIP is 3,971,398 bytes)
- Bug fix : Corrected an issue that prevented user license registrations from being processed under certain network conditions.
Version 1.01 - 08 April 2014
Build : 08APR2014 19:56
Size : 3.80 MB (ZIP is 3,965,045 bytes)
- Bug fix : Corrected an issue that caused sound action events to be added to show and hide buttons when no sound had been selected in certain conditions.
- Bug fix : Corrected an issue that prevented show and hide buttons from working properly under certain conditions during a slide show.
- Change : Reduced the size of the status text that’s shown when the menu is being applied to the slides.
Version 1.0 - 01 April 2014
Build : 01APR2014 20:08
Release Notes:
- First commercial release.